After some scant directions on how to get out to the water tank, we waited and waited and finally, slowly the cattle were coming into the water.
Could hear the motorbikes and 'copter rounding up the cattle and after several hours had quite a herd to be mustered back to the yards in a paddock...
Tim the boss decided that they had got most of the cattle, then it was time to “Head 'em out, move 'em out”!!!
There were 5 motorbikes and us in bull basher at the rear of the mob. , With the bikes whizzing past and 400 head of cattle, talk about eat my dust!
Bob and I were keeping up the rear, driving through dry stoney creek beds, across virgin land dodging snake wood spikes we made our own tracks and all the while keeping our eyes on the cattle in case they tried to make a run for it!!!. Took about an hour and a half to get them to the yards.
Then the fun started sorting them out, stock from neighbours station, breeding bulls, cows, steers, heifers, weaners, new calves etc. Dust, dust and more dust.
My job was to open and close the gate in the race, so Tim could do the sorting. Next job was ear tagging all the calves & putting rings on all the baby bulls boy bits and doing a head count. I was the TALLY GAL.
It was a long hot, dusty, very noisy day and we forgot to make ourselves lunch, so we were just a touch hungry by time dinner was served at 7.30pm. Luckily we had taken some water.
Does wonder for the figure not eating all day!!!!
This is a very dirty and dusty me at the end of a very long day: