Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cowboys & Cowgirls @ Meeka Rodeo

Sunday was rodeo day. When we arrived on Friday there was NO RODEO arena & we thought where in hell are they going to hold the rodeo. Saturday the trucks arrived & the arena was up & running. Next the cattle & horses turned up & we ready to go play cowboys.

Cowgirls came from far & wide, couple from the USA & eastern states to try their luck at barrel racing, steer de-decorating, team cattle roping

Eye candy COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!


This was a qualifying round for the cowboys for the big event at Burswood casino complex in November. 110 cowboys registered for all the different events @ $130 for each event

Cowboy gear hanging on the fence

Crowd control!!!

Rodeo clown

Bob enjoying all the action & dust

Bull riding

Calves ready for calf roping

Local kids enjoying the fun of rodeo

1 comment:

  1. This article introduces the concept of rodeo settings for people who play board games. Players learn the concepts of the rodeo using these games and get an idea of what happens to the professionals who work in this industry.

    Bryce Rodeo
