Monday, August 17, 2009

Bullara Station - Part Two

During our stay at Bullara, we quickly made friends with Jacinta and Richard, the other couple who live there.

Edwina butchering the lamb. Is "Tom Cruise" coming for dinner!!!!

They're a really nice couple in their 30s and Bob and I got on with them like a house on fire and had a few dinners and ales together.

Bob got caught up with helping Richard doing all sorts of jobs from fixing windmills, fixing submersible pumps, generators, sheep mustering, rubbish bins run, going out and turning off generators in paddocks that supply water for the troughs, repairing bandsaw used for chopping up meat when they make a killer (kill a cow).

On the last day he helped lay 1.3kms poly pipe for a new pipeline from one of the windmills, should have seen the blisters, poor bloke really did a hard day’s work that day!

I really loved being there, it was a wonderful experience and I’m so glad we decided to meet the challenge. In fact, we've liked it so much we've decided to go back at the beginning of September for the cattle muster which will take couple weeks.

Bob reckons he will be driving the CHUCK WAGGON at back of the herd, picking up calves that can’t keep up. Richard, Jacinta, Tim etc will be riding motor bikes and helicopter in air - lots of dust to eat!!!!

I’m supposed to look after camp sites again, but when they bring cattle into homestead yards, it’s just toooo noisy and dusty, so they close camp for a week.

No doubt they will find a job for me, as it’s full on, feeding all the extra people they get for muster. Probably be making “SMOKO’S. Hope I don’t have to make scones, mine usually end up like ROCK CAKES!!!

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