Arrived in Norseman on Saturday & we were surprised that it is a nice town. It is the "Gateway to Nullabor" either the start or end of a truly Outback experience, & one of the worlds great road trips & an adventure not to be missed.

Jan with Norseman. The story goes Laurie Sinclair from Shetland Islands had emigrated with his family in 1863. In 1893 after an unsuccessful visit to Coolgardie goldfields he was returning to Esperance & heard that his brother George & Jack Allsop were prospecting in this area & decided to look them up. He had his horse "Norseman" tethered up for the night & found next morning a chunk of gold reef, which the horse had pawed up & exposed during the night. Laurie was grateful to his horse & called his lease NORSEMAN. Legend or not the name Norseman can be found on mine registration records today & also given to name of mining town that sprang up as a result of this find

Tree ornament we found along the road to Norseman

I love this one, old building with the front door locked & bolted & there were NO windows!!!


Railway hotel/motel

Country race meeting, I think we missed it by 8 months, maybe next year on our way across the Nullabor

Post office

A stroll around town found some lovely flowers in town gardens

Norseman hotel only one left that is still trading

Not sure when the last movie was shown here !!

Gold mine slag heap

Kangaroo paw

Even in Norseman they have a Beauty parlour!!

Beacon hill lookout

Prospectors best friend

Camels & their Afghan cameleers certainly helped to open up the goldfields, carting food, water, building materials etc etc

Camels in the main street

Lemon rose

Kangaroo paw

Little town house

Dead trees along the road

Town bandstand